Ahmad Alyaseer is a Jordanian filmmaker with a new short film, “Our Males and Females,” which will have two screenings at this year’s Florida Film Festival. This very well made and thought-provoking short film centers on a religiously conservative couple tasked with having their deceased transgender daughter washed and prepared for burial according to local and religious customs and deals directly with identity acceptance in both life and death in a very interesting way. Here is an interview with Ahmad in which I ask him about the genesis of this film, the Jordanian film industry, and his future projects.
Chris Crespo: With trans rights being a major issue at the moment, what kind of pushback did you receive, if any, while putting together this story of a conservative couple preparing their transgender daughter for burial?
Ahmad Alyaseer: We definitely received many push backs when we were trying to get funds, grants and investors on board, many of them were really interested in the script and loved it but couldn’t attach their name to it because the topic was very controversial. This took us months to try and raise money for the film but with no luck; at the end, I ended up fully self-funding it from my own savings.Continue Reading …