Written and directed by Liz Sargent, “Take Me Home” is a film that centers disability from the POV of the lead authentic character, Liz’s sister Anna Sargent. Filmed in Orlando, with local crew and in the home of their parents, “Take Me Home” will screen twice at the Florida Film Festival, and I had an opportunity to ask a few questions to Liz’s sister Molly Jordan, who is Associate Producer/Education Director for the film as well as Co-Guardian to Anna.
Chris Crespo: As this film makes its way around film festivals, what is the one thing you want audiences to take away from it at the very least?
Molly Jordan: I want people to see the range of emotions, human capabilities and spirited strength and resilience of Anna. I hope this opens dialogue and hearts to have a broader and more expansive view of people with disabilities so that there’s more love, tolerance, and acceptance for these marginalized communities. I also hope that though it’s important to understand the differences amongst this community that there’s far more commonalities that link us all. If we come from seeking to understand before being understood, open mindedness before judgement and love, compassion and empathy, our canvas is far more interesting, vibrant and complex.Continue Reading …