“Bubble” is a small Steven Soderbergh experimental movie, squished between “Ocean’s 12” and “The Good German” and “Ocean’s 13,” an all digital movie back when that was actually an experiment, in the foul year of our Lord 2006, and populated with non-actors, who give naturalistic performances that border on stilted, all telling a very small drama that takes place in a small town doll factory (hence the creepy poster).
Also adding to the experimental nature? Most of the dialogue was improvised (again, by non-professional actors), the actors in the movie used their real homes, and when this film came out it was released simultaneously on DVD, in theaters and through video on demand services, which is a practice that is far more common now, but hey, someone had to blaze that trail.
It’s a short, interesting, well made movie, made with an obviously small budget, and it definitely fills in some interesting gaps in the overall body of work compiled by master filmmaker Steven Soderbergh.Continue Reading …