“Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution” is a documentary short film that should be seen by everyone, and by everyone I mean people in the Western world and those who really don’t give a place like Syria a second thought because this is the type of experience that really drives home the full impact of what has happened over there and what their current state of living is now. Why is this not on the news regularly? Why are our televisions saturated with faux-reality shows and meaningless drivel? Why are we being encouraged to look away from the horrors happening in the our own world?Continue Reading …
2014 Florida Film Festival preview
It is that most special time of year, that annual 10-day feast of film and food that is the Florida Film Festival. Always with great programming as well as cool events and parties, the FFF is something I have been looking forward to each year for a while now, and this year’s schedule looks as promising as always.
And who knows, there is a good chance a bunch of these movies will end up on Netflix for instant viewing, as I have seen a NUMBER of films at the FFF, only to see that pop up on Netflix within about a year or so. And they are just about always great movies, whether they be little indie coming of age comedies, documentaries or foreign films, they just have that knack for picking some winners.Continue Reading …
Op-ed: The Avengers Effect, the Franchise Film Arms Race and X-Men
Looking back, it is kind of funny to remember doubting Marvel Studios and their ability to put together what they refer to as their “cinematic universe” akin to that of their comic book universe, in which characters appear in each other’s story lines all the time and epic mash ups of comic book characters and teams are done on the reg.
But comics books are cheaper to make than blockbuster movies, so their idea of making a string of movies that all fed into each other and would culminate with “The Avengers” seemed like a classic “more than they can chew” type of situation. Just because “Iron Man” was a surprise success doesn’t mean people would actually go see Thor movies. Really, some people were likely laughing to themselves, thinking there was no way this was going to work, creatively or financially.
Jump cut to May 7th, 2012, inside the offices of Marvel and Disney (who had since come on as a financial backer), look behind those closed doors, and you know what you would have seen? Employees all doing back flips and partying and getting down, as “Marvel’s The Avengers” (official title) had a record setting opening weekend of $207 million. That’s just three days of box office. In just one country. To say that Marvel’s plan worked is an understatement. The fans ate it up and came back for seconds. And thirds. And so on. And the critics didn’t hate it. Most of them didn’t anyway.Continue Reading …
Talking Trailers: Godzilla, Guardians of the Galaxy and Transformers 4
The best part about going to the movies in the months leading up to the summer season? All the trailers for the big summer blockbusters. These are usually movies that are heavy on spectacle and have a lot of visual excitement going for them, which almost always makes for at the very least…a good trailer. But sometimes these trailers promise more than just big blockbuster excitement, and even rarer still is the big movie that delivers on these promises made by marketers and advertisers. But still, a movie trailer is like an unscratched lotto ticket…as long as there is hope, we’re good to go, and it’s worth something. So what are these trailers worth?Continue Reading …
Top five Super Bowl movie commercials
So there was this little football game on the television last night, you may have seen it. If you did see it, chances are you saw some of the commercials for some of 2014’s biggest movies. This is not a complete list of the trailers that played but instead the five movie trailers that stood out the most, for various reasons (and presented in really no particular order).Continue Reading …
The Best Movies of 2013 – part 2 of 2
On the day the 2013 Oscar nominations are annouced, why not let the world know at the exact same time which exact movies were my absolute favorites of the year? And why continue screwing around up here with the preamble, let’s get into this thing, shall we?Continue Reading …
The Best Movies of 2013 – part 1 of 2
While we recently threw some shade on the crappier movies of 2013, I get more pleasure talking about the all the movies from the previous year that I just loved. So here is part 1 of my top ten of 2013, come back here tomorrow for part 2!
The Worst Movies of 2013
It would not be the internet without some snark and pessimism, so let’s throw some shade on some of the poorer productions of 2013. Because what better way to celebrate millions of dollars and thousands of hours of moviemaking then to sit here on my high horse and just shit all over all of it. So here comes some hate.Continue Reading …
Op-ed: Why we should reserve judgement on Robocop 2014
None of your favorite movies or genuine film classics are sacred, not enough for people to not try remaking them in some way, shape or form. We’re just going to move on to what really matters in this particular instance, savvy?
So the teaser trailer for the remake-reboot-whatever of the 1987 movie “Robocop” hit the interwebz recently with a resounding plop, as nerd-os and geeks ahoy decided to watch the trailer one time and promptly shit all over it (*ahem*).
Holy cow the Robocop remake looks FUCKING TERRIBLE http://t.co/JE8WLOOhmF like SyFy channel bad. #Robocopnado
— Chris Crespo (@IAmChrisCrespo) September 6, 2013
Talking Trailers: Ridley Scott’s ‘The Counselor’
Acclaimed author Cormac McCarthy has hit novel-to-movie adaptation pay dirt lately, what with his books No Country for Old Men and The Road both being made into films, and recently someone got him to write his first straight up screenplay, an original story meant only to be made into a movie, and that movie is Ridley Scott’s “The Counselor.”
When boiled down into a log line, “The Counselor” seems very simple: a lawyer (Michael Fassbender) decides to get into the drug dealing business to make a little extra money, and of course things go wrong. But then again, a quick synopsis of either “No Country For Old Men” (a man finds a briefcase full of money) or “The Road” (a man and his son try to survive in a world destroyed by nuclear weapons) would make it seem as if those movies are very simple stories, when we all know that they both have a lot to offer, especially the fantastic NCFOM. So while the plot synopsis is simple, the below recently released trailer hints at a wild movie in which Fassbender’s lawyer character will go down the rabbit hole of danger, betrayal and who knows what else.Continue Reading …
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