As heard in episode 191 of Cinema Crespodiso.
“Big Trouble In Little China” is a crazy 1986 fantasy action movie that takes place in the insane underworld of San Francisco’s Chinatown, which includes magic, monsters, battles of energy and light beams and just general nuttiness. The fact that this is directed by John Carpenter and stars Kurt Russell makes it all that much better.
Initially conceived as a Western by the original screenwriters and then updated to a modern setting by a mandate from 20th Century Fox, John Carpenter was eventually brought on as a hired gun director due to his ability to work quickly, coming from the low budget indie movie world. Carpenter, for his part, saw a chance to take $25 million studio dollars and use it to make a martial arts movie, something he wanted to check off his bucket list. All of these decisions resulted in a film that was rushed into production (in order to beat “The Golden Child” to theaters) and left critics divided and audiences underwhelmed, and Fox lost money and Carpenter became disillusioned with the whole studio movie making system.Continue Reading …